Japanese Orthography e-Learning Material
This product consist of two Kana (Hiragana & Katakana) learning materials (Textbook + e-learning software) . Learners will open the software and see the JOe-LM (KANA) learning material’s content. This interface is for user to choose the desired content. This layout will have Japanese atmosphere like background music that are authentically composed. For Sei-on chapter, writing sequences including Hatsu-On (a-n) realized in digital form, pronounced and explained by a native speaker.
This invention carries out through the designing process which emphasizes on Bloom Taxonomy learning skills. Learners can enhance their cognitive process up to psychomotor skills. This speaking-writing combination can be carried out repeatedly and in tandem. This novel method can enhance the probability of letters or words that can be transferred into the permanent memory. All the concepts developed in this material are in accordance with the concept of cognitive learning that emphasizes the stages of learning from easy to difficult levels.
This invention is designed in bilingual form; that is Malay – English, that is suitable in Malaysian context as Malay language is used as the national language. Some of the learning materials available in the market are lacked details explanations of Japanese language scripts such as history and their applications. Kana learning websites available on the internet also lacks supplementary materials such as exercise sheets, listening, reading exercise or pronunciations of native Japanese speaker are not available. Furthermore, many KANA learning materials available in websites are only introducing KANA letters only. There is no segment for vocabulary practice to practice the letter that have been introduced.

To overcome the difficulties mentioned above, this software assists students to learn how to read and write in stages. In addition, a context is presented so that the students are able to associate the KANA character and its usage in one real situational picture. This speaking-writing combination can be carried out repeatedly and in tandem.
It is noted that the characters used in the product are not in cursive style so that students should have no difficulty in identifying them. In addition, the phonetics realization of loanwords derived from Malay vocabularies are also provided. These added values are some of the marketing strategies used to compete with the commercial textbook that are mainly from Japan and doesn’t meet the need of local learners. The Vocabulary sections that combined all the letter will be illustrated in one pictorial picture. Learners can click to the tab provided for the particular vocabulary or listen in auto mode. Furthermore, the students can practice their handwriting using the exercise sheet provided in the textbook

The letter that have been learnt will be combined to form a word that have meaning. These word will be illustrated in a one pictorial pictures that have anime like drawing. Thus, it is hope d that many learners will be motivated to learn Japanese writing script (Hiragana and Katakana). Malay loanwords vocabularies also provided to add the market values to the Malaysian consumer.
This invention will have a wide audience ranged from young until adult learners and from rural until urban consumers. Japanese language learner from education institutions or working places also can benefited from this product such as, tourism or Japanese related industries. This product also encourages new educational norm, whereby the students can be independent learner using the e-learning software.
TRL : 6

Project Leader : Puan Aznur Aisyah Abdullah
Co-Researcher : Ms. Mimiko Nezu, Puan Maserah Shabudin
Dept./Fac./Inst : Faculty Social Sciences and Humanities
Expertise : Japanese language teaching and learning & Translation studies